
Saturday, October 19, 2013

I want to be a cougar but I don't think I have enough money or spandex mini-dresses.

I do all my best thinking in the shower. Maybe it's the sound or the heat of the water, I'm not sure. There's a certain clarity I feel when I'm in that naked, vulnerable place.

I realized tonight, as I was getting soapy and clean, that in creating this blog, I am taking all of my secrets --all of the things I hide from the people close to me-- and putting them out in the most public way possible. I'm taking all of the desires that I hide from the general population and exposing them on the internet. Perhaps, instead, I should see a therapist, yes?

Let me give you an example: I love attention from younger men. I suspect it has something to do with gaining a sense of power over men in a society that tries relentlessly to keep women inferior. But I can't be sure. I just know that a tall, lanky 23-year-old will always turn my head and it's not long before I have them naked and sweating. I love the look on their face when I do something they've never experienced before. Usually they take it as a challenge to find new ways to pleasure me, in return. That, my friends, is what we call a Win-Win Situation. Hashtag that sucker if you want.

I'm a big fan of Dan Savage, a relationship-advice columnist and has a Podcast called, Savage Love. (If you have not read or heard of him, leave this page right now and go here !! Then come back. I'll wait.) He has popularized numerous neologisms, including the "campsite rule". He compares being with a younger person romantically as visiting a campsite. Leave them at least as healthy as they were when you got there. No STIs, no pregnancies, no depression.

I've had one-night-trists as well as long-term relationships with men significantly younger than myself. I hope that I've taught them well. My goal is to end with them happier, more confident and sexually knowledgeable than when I started. I asked one of my Ex-Boyfriends of Significant Age Difference what he liked best about our relationship. "You taught me what to do with a vagina." Indeed I did. I feel a little guilty that I have to giggle when I think about the first time he went down on me. However, I am far from subtle. In fact, I am like an air traffic controller; waving him to the left and a then little further to the right. He was an attentive student to say the very, very least. So to all of his future sexual partners I say: You're welcome.

Now I'm in the mood for some teacher-student role play. How 'bout you?


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